I’m happy and proud to say the Wolf Sets Fire website is now fully up and ready! I did everything myself, with a little help from experts (the WordPress theme developers) and with some inspiration from classes on Skillshare, but I loved seeing this project come together, all by myself. It was sometimes hard to dive into unfamiliar software, yet I am so happy I could come up with this result. Especially creating the logo was quite challenging as I never had used Illustrator before. I love the DIY idea! Just be confident that you can do it!
This website is meant to be a platform to show some of my photographs made during travels, while being in nature or when I attended a concert. However, it should also be a motivation for me to finally work out some ideas, some of which I’ve had for years. The personal work is not yet on the website, but it will be as soon as it is ready.
What personal work will I be working on?
Well, one of my favourite bands, Hell Is For Heroes, has some of the most fantastic lyrics I know. During my photography course we had to take some pictures, being inspired by some sort of art. At that time I took 3 phrases from HIFH lyrics and made 3 polaroid-style pictures. Now the concept will be different, yet I love this project!
Another project will be the series “I Am An Individual”, featuring animals who could escape the horror of factory farms or other places of terror. Somehow people seem more to care about one particular animal, than when plenty of animals are involved. I want to take some photographs featuring one particular animal and show that they are all individuals, just like us. They deserve the same respect as human beings.
Furthermore I’d like to do a series about illnesses you can’t see on the outside. It is hard when you have a disease, yet get stupid reactions from people because they don’t see the consequences of your disease and think nothing is going on, while they do feel sorry for people with ‘just’ a cold, a broken leg or something visible.
And ultimately I’d like to do something with the “female touch” as we still live in a patriarchal world, even though we were born as a woman or a man without any choice…
Besides all this, I am happy to do other kinds of photography as well.
Check the website every now and then as I will add new work (and/or replace older work). I’ll also post some new work on the blog and on Instagram.
Wolf Sets Fire Photography
(Somehow Microsoft Edge does not display some of my pictures with the same quality as other browsers do, so the site is best viewed with another browser…)